Yesterday was a good day.
Not because I had no work to do, and not, unfortunately, because I got to hang out with friends.
No. Yesterday was a relatively good day because (1) all that studying I did for Advanced Accounting class over the weekend (from the time I got home from tutorial on Thursday night, I never stepped out again until Monday for Economics class) seems to have paid off some on yesterday's midterm; (2)
Titanic was on on The Movie Network (for Valentine's Day?) and in the half-hour of the movie that I watched, I think I reverted back to being 15 again (Sigh. Good times.) and realized that I still really like that movie and still know it startlingly well; (3) Reading Week is coming up; and (4) after giving up for the night on studying for Tax, I stuck one of my
My So-Called Life tapes into the VCR in my room and watched some interesting moments of some episodes...which, surprisingly, included some scenes I don't remember seeing before even though I think I've seen all the episodes already.
Which is not to say that I'm going to be prepared enough for tomorrow's Tax midterm, because I won't be (it's almost a certainty), or that I don't have a class and a group meeting today, or that our group needs to sound like we know what we're doing when we meet with our prof tomorrow, or that we don't have more group meetings next week during the break, or that any of my other worries or concerns have been falsified, but...yesterday was good. And I almost don't care about all this other schtuff.
Almost. *mutters incoherently* Someone get me some tea. Or, you know, I'll just get it myself. Either way...tea, now. Gotta get ready for class, and then when I get back here after my group meeting, it's gotta be TaxTaxTaxTaxTax, because like I said...Prepared? Not so much. :)
And when I get home
tomorrow, I am
so watching TV. I'm behind on every show that's aired since last Monday's
24 episode. Blarrgh.